Batterilic. samt inbjudan till vätgasseminarium

Creative commons license

Idag får ni tips om två evenemang till. Nu har vi kommit igång ordentligt efter sommaren.
18 sep är det ett morgonseminarium om vätgas i Stockholm. Det är dagen efter att vätgasstationen på Arlanda har öppnat.
Den 9 oktober är det batterilicentiatseminarium på Chalmers.

Licentiatseminarium: On State-of-Charge Estimation for Automotive Batteries

Licentiatseminarium: Björn Fridholm, Signaler och system​Titel: On State-of-Charge Estimation for Automotive Batteries
Kategori Licentiatseminarium
Plats: Sal HC3, Hörsalsvägen 14, Campus Johanneberg, Chalmers
Tid: 2015-10-09 13:00
Sluttid: 2015-10-09 15:00
Diskussionsledare: Professor Alexander Medvedev, Avdelningen för systemteknik, Institutionen för informationsteknologi, Uppsala universitet
The battery is one of the most expensive components of an electrified vehicle. In order to supervise and optimize the battery usage, several internal states of the battery must be continuously monitored. State-of-Charge (SoC) is one of those important battery states and some impacts of incorrect SoC information are reduced accuracy in electric range prediction, decreased fuel economy and premature ageing of the battery. SoC cannot be measured directly and therefore a model-based observer is often used to estimate SoC. A major difficulty in the estimation task is that the battery characteristicschanges considerably with both operating conditions and ageing. To maintain accuracy in the SoC estimation, the model used in the observer must thus be continuously updated.
This thesis and the appended papers investigates practical aspects of the adaptive SoC estimation problem, seeking solutions suited for online implementation. Several SoC estimation algorithms are tested to assess their robustness to uncertainties that are present in automotive applications, such as sensor noise and modelling errors. Combined online estimation of model parameters and states also introduces several potential pitfalls as
identified in the thesis. An algorithm is proposed that is robust to these problems and manages combined estimation of parameters and states. To be able to estimate age-related parameters of the battery, such as ohmic resistance, variations depending on operating conditions must be separated from variations due to ageing. In the automotive industry it is common to model dependencies with respect to operating conditions in look-up tables. For the parameter estimator this means that a complete lookup table must be updated with ageing. Since some parts of the operating rangemay be seldom excited, there is a risk of having very old parameters in parts of the look-up table. A method to update the complete look-up table based on local estimation results is presented and tested.
Keywords: Kalman filters, State-of-Charge estimation, Parameter estimation, Adaptive observers, Lithium-ion batteries.

Morgonseminarium om vätgas som transportbränsle

Den 17 september är det invigning av vätgastankstationen på Arlanda.
Dagen efter är det ett vätgasseminarium i Stockholm. Det kommer vara möjligt att provköra bränslecellsbilar.
Var? …………………………. Blekholmstorget 30 (följ skyltningen)
När? …………………………. 18 sep 07.00-10.00
Hela inbjudan för seminariet finns att läsa här (pdf)
Den 21 oktober kommer det också vara invigning av vätgastankstationen i Göteborg.